Friday, 8 June 2007

The Muslim Conference- did the penny drop?

Hello all,

below is the link to the 'Islam and Muslim in the World Today' Conference held by Cambrdige University, although it has been reported that the key hands in the conference was the British government- can be seen through the fact that the MCB and even Tariq Ramdan were not invited.

A number of points can be made in the light of this conference;

1- Tony Blairs opening speech set the tone and agenda of the conference, which is to promote a moderate Islam in the UK and the Muslim world
2. The speakers at the conference all reflect, those who have a non critical and non political approach and understanding of Islam
3. Critical and dissenting voices from the Muslim community where no invited, therefore the British government was preaching to the already converted
4. This moderate Islam is going to be implemented in the UK, through the use of many tools and styles. In Bradford, as Tony Blair mentioned the Bradford Council of Mosques has already accepted a syllabus to teach in mosques- and other plans are under way to widen the net in the Bradford Muslim community.
5. Clearly there is a need for the Muslim community to determine their own direction and strategy rather than it being constructed elsewhere and imposed top-down.

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